Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 2: pine valley to brawley

If every day is like today, I'll be a happy snowman. 

As I rode today, I compiled a mental gratitude list: 
- for Mike, inviting me along on this 
- for Dave, who taught me to ride a motorcycle, and all of his advice. Look where you want to go through a corner, don't panic brake, things like that. 
- for Bill and Sandy for hauling our bags these first two days. We're on our own today, but we're done with the mountains. It really made a difference. 
- for Chris, who tailed us on his motorcycle. He caught up with us half-way down Mountain Springs Grade, rode behind me with his flashers, which kept traffic on the other side. 
- for Caltrans, keeping the shoulder of the grade clean of debris. It was a safe, smooth ride down. (Now if they could just look at Evan Hewes Hwy... That was rough riding)
- for the strong tailwind that pushed us about 10 miles
- for Alma. Those disc brakes saved me down the mountains. The low gears got me through the mountains. 

Upcoming posts: 
 - cast of characters
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  1. Hi, that's me Robin.
    A Backpacker from Germany. Right in that moment at Mikes yard helping his wife with some vine pruning and stuff.

    Mike just doesn't know anything about smartphones yet. Well he does, but not what they can and how helpful they can be. I think all of them are even faster than his laptop at home. ;) Don't say that to him. :P
    Anyway you're doing very well. And as I met Mike this year on his vineyard helping him doing his harvest, he and you are doing very well on this ride. I saw him having his diet, just eating two almonds a day while working from early to late plus even riding his practice bike at night. I really appreciate your trip and am quite impressed you're both doing this. It's like giving courage to anyone who has big dreams and those who need some ideas for their dreams.

  2. Sry for double post. You can delete this one.
