Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day 14: I Wish You Could Smell This Photo

It isn't the most stunning, nor photographed, nor scenic piece of Utah, but I wish you could smell this photo.

It smells of pine, in a dry, desert heat of the midafternoon. Asphalt, not fresh, but the sun's rays have brought out the smell of the day.

Sage growing in a dry riverbed.

Sunscreen mixed with sweat, getting into my eyes from a fast downhill run.

The green apple we ate at the side of the road. Crisp, not cold, but fresh.

I wish you could smell this photo. It has scents of wilderness and industrious humans together.

We wonder about the people driving in their cars with the windows up and air conditioning running. We downshift at the same time. No, actually, I've been in my lowest gear for a while now. There's no more gears to shift down to, although I still check and press my lever, but there's no response from my bicycle. The response comes from the muscle burn in my thighs as I dig deep and wonder how long I can sustain this grade. If it doesn't get any steeper, and that's really the top, I can do that.

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